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Playing with Letters


1 out of every 12 kids has a communication disorder or delay related to voice, speech, language, or swallowing and 45% of those children never receive any intervention



The philosophy of the play-shop stems from the idea that children learn language from those around them and parents/caretakers are a child’s first, and most, influential teacher. After having my daughter, I have been able to watch this process unfold and saw first-hand how important frequent language stimulation is to the developing brain.


The Playing with Words “play-shop” idea has evolved from my experience working in various school districts as well as my experience as a parent. While working, I found that one of the most difficult parts of the job was maintaining communication with the parents. I found it difficult to provide frequent updates on their child, strategies we were using in the classroom, and information on how they could work on language development at home.


The goal of the play-groups is to inform parents about typical and atypical language development and build confidence in their own abilities to teach their children. A positive partnership between a speech-language pathologist and a child’s parents is required for the carryover of language development strategies and techniques. Parent education and carryover has been found to be one of the biggest predictors of a child’s progress in speech therapy. 


I hope you will join me on my journey to bring speech therapy into your home!

Playing with Words

(0-12 months)

Find out more about the infant group play-shops!

Playing with Words

(1-2 years)

Find out more about the toddler group play-shops!

Playing with Words

(2-4 years)

Find out more about the preschooler group play-shops!

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